1. Come Back to Mass – Special Invitation to Young People!

The pandemic is challenging all of us to reflect on what is really important in life. Why not use Ash Wednesday to invite children, grandchildren and friends, to consider tuning in to Sunday Mass Online? Mass is now live streamed from so many Churches. If you wish to give your loved ones a really good experience of the Mass, one excellent option is the Mass put together by the team at Redemptorist Publications UK and celebrated by Fr. Denis McBride. The music, prayers, readings, filming – everything is beautifully done and the homilies from Fr. Denis are always so special. The Sunday Mass is available online from noon on Saturday and you ‘attend’ the Mass at a time of your own choosing. Join a global community in prayer every week during Lent. Spread the invitation!

See link below for sample:

Sunday Mass Online with Redemptorist Publications (Fr. Denis Mc Bride).

If you email marketing@rpbooks.co.uk , they will send you a weekly email with the Mass, on request.

2. Little Way Sunday School – For Parents of Primary School Children

‘Little Way Sunday School’ is an eight minute video clip for young children based around the Sunday Mass readings. It is compiled by Treise Lenihan, her husband Joseph and a team of family and friends based in Raphoe Diocese, Co. Donegal, Ireland (Treise used to work in youth ministry with the Presentation Brothers). The ‘Sunday School’ is very creatively done and will be of interest to parents of young children, grandparents and primary school teachers. A great way to nurture the faith of young children. Have a look at the link below and spread the word!

Little Way Sunday School

3. A Lenten Retreat Online from the Jesuits in Britain

I sent you information on this already, so this is just a gentle reminder! See two links below:

The first link allows you to sign up for a daily email reflection during Lent. At its simplest level, this could be your daily ‘time out’ – taking a few minutes in your busy life to read and reflect on this material.

The second link contains further helps and resources for those who wish to go more deeply into the Retreat.

4. Getting Ashes in Cork!

This year, instead of people having blessed Ashes placed on their foreheads by a priest on Ash Wednesday (Feb 17th), the Diocese of Cork and Ross is organising for special envelopes to be printed and distributed to the parishes.

Before Ash Wednesday these will have Ashes placed into them (safely) in parishes and they will be blessed in the Churches on the morning of Ash Wednesday by the priests at Mass – behind closed doors.

They will then be available in the Churches during the day so that people who can stop by for a prayer can also take one of the envelopes of Ashes and take them home to their own household and to another house where they may be part of a care bubble.

Guidance has been given to parishes to ensure compliance with public health and restrictions.

Spread the ashes!

A Final Word…

This Lent, please spread the above ideas among your family, friends, your parish and your school communities. Invite and encourage people to get involved – to place faith, family and friends at the centre of our lives. Let’s pray and let’s continue to reach out to those in need and to look after one another, especially during this time of pandemic.

You can witness to the Lord’s love and care right where you are. This is what Pope Francis calls being “missionary disciples”.

Ash Wednesday is a call to a new beginning! Take a leap of faith!

Stay safe, stay well and stay generous!
