Dear Friends,
I attach some short reflections and prayers which can be used in the lead up to the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice on 5th May.
In this material, I concentrate on Edmund Rice as a son, a brother, a husband, a father. He only became a Religious Founder later in his life. In this sense, I hope the reflections will be relevant to a wide range of people in the Presentation Family, young adults in the L.E.A.F. Network and people in our school communities.
They are, of course, written in the context of the present time as our world seeks to overcome the Coronavirus pandemic.
You are welcome to share this material with friends and anyone who may find it of help.
We are all conscious of our need for prayer, moments of reflection and connection as we journey through these days.
Stay safe and well.
With kind regards,
Find below a LINK to the Leaf Triduum booklet – May 5th 2020
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